"Punjab has issued safety guidelines due to a rise in pink eye infection cases, addressing the growing health concern."
The Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department in Punjab has issued an advisory in response to the increasing cases of pink eye infection across the province. They have emphasized that pink eye is a viral disease transmitted through coughing, sneezing, and hand contact, with a recovery period of eight to ten days.
Lahore has seen a rise in conjunctivitis cases, following its spread in several cities in Sindh, including Karachi. This infection leads to increased tear production, eye pain, redness, and itching. The advisory recommends consulting a doctor before using any eye drops.
The Health Department has provided guidelines to district authorities, emphasizing the importance of using hand sanitizer and avoiding touching the eyes without washing hands. Additionally, it recommends not using items belonging to individuals infected with pink eye, such as towels and clothes, and suggests keeping them separate to prevent further transmission.