"A photograph of Imran Riaz Khan has appeared on the internet for the first time following his release."
"Pakistani journalist Imran Riaz Khan, a supporter of former PM Imran Khan, has safely returned home after being held for four months. His return follows a Lahore High Court order and confirmation from Sialkot Police and his lawyer."
"YouTuber Imran Riaz, known for his large following, was detained shortly after widespread protests erupted following the arrest of PTI chairman Imran Khan. He was taken into custody by plainclothes officials and held at Cantt police station. Sialkot police later confirmed his safe recovery, and an FIR had been filed under Section 365 of the Pakistan Penal Code for his alleged disappearance."
"The first photo of Imran Riaz Khan has emerged on social media, showing his lawyer Ali Ashfaq kissing his face in celebration of his release. Imran, known for his bold and candid reporting, gained prominence on social and digital media since 2020."